SBC8: Visiting other blog posts

As part of this week’s activity, I went on 3 others student blog post and left a comment.

Dear Sheridan,
This is a beautiful poem you just wrote. It is true that leaving without s hard and most of us waste t because we take it for granted. In this poem you explain the struggle that some have to face just to get some water.
I really loved your poem!


Here is the link to the post:

Dear Vince,
It is true that child labor has been a issue worldwide. I really liked your slideshow and it is breath taking the number of children that have to be forced to work!
If we want to solve this issue, countries will have to apply a law as to forbid child labor.


Here is the link to the post:

Dear Phakamon,
I really liked your post and how you are explain why WFP explains the reason of hunger worldwide. Both if my parents work for this organization and help feed populations. Hunger is a serious issue most kids do not have food in poor countries and we often waste food without think that others do not even have the opportunity to get some.


Here is the link to the blog post:


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